Causes of pavement failure of Edunabon – Sekona road, Osun State, Nigeria

  • Hussein Mohammed Department of Civil Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Keywords: Condition survey, Geotechnical properties, Pavement deflection, Representative rebound deflection, Pavement failure


The study investigated Edunabon-Sekona road, Osun State, in Southwest Nigeria, with a view to determining the causes of its failure. Condition survey of a five kilometre stretch of the road was carried out to visually assess and characterise the pavement distresses. In situ density tests were conducted using the core cutter method at intervals of 500 m along the route. Soil samples were collected at these intervals for laboratory tests and selected engineering properties determined, using standard procedures. Deflection at every point as well the representative rebound deflection was determined using standard  equations. The condition survey showed wide spread distresses. The average in-situ density (IDD) value was 1.55 g/cm3, while the maximum dry density (MDD), relative density (RD) and deflection (δ) mean values were, 1.94 g/cm3, 80 % and 0.66 mm, respectively. The representative rebound deflection (δrrd) was 0.66 mm. The study concluded that the pavement failed due to the low relative density and representative rebound deflection values of the subgrade.


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Causes of pavement failure of Edunabon – Sekona road, Osun State, Nigeria
How to Cite
Mohammed H. Causes of pavement failure of Edunabon – Sekona road, Osun State, Nigeria. Alger. J. Eng. Technol. [Internet]. 2022Jun.28 [cited 2025Feb.7];60:98-104. Available from: